

AD 133
AD 190
Related topics
Christianity, Resurrection, Athenagoras,, Theology, Theophilus,--Saint,,


Athenagoras lived during the second century AD. He was born around 133 AD and died on or around the year 190. His home was Athens. Athenagoras was a renowned philosopher who came to know Christ and spent much of his life as a Christian apologist. As such, he wrote Embassy for the Christians, which was a call for treating Christians justly. His passion for Christ led him to Alexandria, where he taught at the Christian Academy. Athenagoras also authored a work called The Resurrection of the Dead. Amazingly, this ancient author was outspoken on issues Christians deal with today, which were prevalent in Athenagoras' day, such as violence (gladiators in the arena) and abortion (drugs available to induce the death of the unborn child).

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Works By Athenagoras

Cover Art
Title / Description

Influence of Athenagoras

Works published by Athenagoras

Works published about Athenagoras

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